Company Description
North Valley Pet Hospital offers truly comprehensive pet care. Our services include spay and neuter, anesthesiology, behavioral treatment, cardiology, critical care, pet dental care (including dog dentist), dermatology, emergency care, end-of-life care, endocrinology, care for exotic pets, eye care (ophthalmology), internal medicine, microchipping, neurology, nutrition, orthopedic surgery, pet pain relief and management, kitten and puppy care, radiology and imaging, senior pet care, soft-tissue surgery and laser surgery and wellness & preventive care.
Products & Services
cardiology , senior pet care , Internal Medicine , critical care , spay and neuter , Emergency Care , Exotic Pet Care , anesthesiology , dermatology , orthopedic surgery , care for exotic pets , Pet Care , nutrition , Neurology , soft-tissue surgery , pet dental care (including dog dentist) , kitten and puppy care , laser surgery , microchipping , end-of-life care , Eye Care (Ophthalmology) , pet pain relief and management , radiology and imaging , endocrinology , behavioral treatment , wellness & preventive care , Pet Dental Care , ophthalmology
Reviews and Recommendations
Frequently asked questions about North Valley Pet Hospital
What days are North Valley Pet Hospital open?
North Valley Pet Hospital is open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

North Valley Pet Hospital
Other Locations
Open Hours
- Monday02:00PM - 05:00PM
- Tuesday02:00PM - 05:00PM
- Wednesday02:00PM - 05:00PM
- Thursday02:00PM - 05:00PM
- Friday02:00PM - 05:00PM
- Saturday02:00PM - 05:00PM
- Sunday04:00PM - 05:00PM